Below you will find important student policy information related to Continuing Education courses.
If you have questions about academic policies, do not hesitate to contact our Student Services team.
Academic Standing
Academic standing is a measure of a student’s academic success at CU Boulder based on CU GPA. Academic standing is processed in fall and spring terms, and considers all CU Boulder coursework, including both main campus and Continuing Education courses.
Non-degree Students
Non-degree students are subject to the Continuing Education academic standing policies. Students who fail to maintain a cumulative 2.000 GPA after completion of any semester will receive one semester of Academic Warning or Probation. During this semester the student may take Evening Credit, Online Credit, Applied Music, ACCESS, or Summer Session courses in an effort to reach a 2.000 cumulative GPA. If the student fails to receive a 2.000 cumulative GPA after the Academic Warning or Probation semester, the student will be placed on Academic Suspension. Students on Academic Suspension may only take Evening Credit, Online Credit, Applied Music, or Summer Session courses and must maintain a 2.500 term GPA or reach an overall cumulative of 2.000 in order to avoid Academic Dismissal. Students on Academic Dismissal are ineligible to enroll in any CU Boulder fall or spring coursework.
Continuing Education does not run academic standing at the end of the summer, and academic standing does not impact a student’s eligibility to enroll in summer coursework. Students who achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.000 at the end of the summer may return to taking courses during the fall and spring semesters.
Degree-Seeking Students
Degree-seeking students are subject to the academic standing policy outlined in the CU Boulder Undergraduate Catalog. Please see the Registrar’s Office website for more information, or schedule an appointment with an academic advisor to explore your options.
Consecutive Semester Withdrawal
Non-degree students in Continuing Education who withdraw from or drop two regular semesters in a row may have a dean’s stop placed on their registration. Summer Session is not counted as a regular semester. These students will not be permitted to enroll at CU Boulder before one full academic year has elapsed (not including their semester of withdrawal).
Petitioning for Exception to Deadlines and Policies
The petition process is designed to provide non-degree students who experience unavoidable, extenuating circumstances, the opportunity to waive a University policy that, if enforced, would result in unsatisfactory academic progress or financial consequences. A committee of Continuing Education staff reviews petitions on a regular basis. For more information, please contact the petition coordinator at cepetitions@colorado.edu or 303-492-9881. You can also watch our How to Petition Anything webinar to learn more.
Students also have the right to appeal to the Dean of Continuing Education any decision made by the petition committee. Contact the Division’s petition committee at cepetitions@colorado.edu for more information.