Student Information | Forms

Continuing Education Forms

This section contains Continuing Education’s most commonly used forms. Click on the individual form pages to access more information as well as the forms themselves.

Please contact the Enrollment Services team at or 303-492-5148 with any questions or concerns. We’re here to help!

CE Online Flexible Withdrawal Form

If you would like to formally withdraw from your CE Online Flexible Course, fill out the CE Online Flexible Withdrawal form. You may withdraw from online flexible courses until a final grade has been posted for the class or until the course expiration date. If you do not complete your course within the six-month time limit, you must formally withdraw before a final grade is posted to receive a W on your transcript. If you do not withdraw before a final grade is posted, you will receive an F.

For questions about course withdrawal, please contact us at

Course Request Form

You must submit the Course Request Form if you:

  • are on academic suspension;
  • are an incoming first-year student or transfer student restricted from adding a Continuing Education course;
  • have instructor or departmental prerequisite approval;
  • are requesting a late add/enrollment or have instructor or departmental approval. 

If you are attaching approval to the Course Request form, print the emailed permission to a PDF format by clicking the “print” button and change the destination from your printer to “Save as PDF”. You can then upload the emailed permission using the "Browse" button on the form.

Before you fill out the form, please complete your pre-registration items. You will be asked if you’ve completed your pre-registration items prior to submitting the Course Request Form.

Fees Waiver Form

Non-degree and standalone certificate students may be able to waive all student fees except for the computing fee and A&S technology fee. If you are not utilizing resources such as the bus pass, Rec Center or health insurance, you may complete the online fee waiver form.

Instructions for Fees Waiver

  1. Pay your bill by the published due date excluding the student activity fee.
  2. Complete and submit the online fee waiver form by the deadline for the appropriate term.
    • Spring 2025 deadline: February 28, 2025
    • Summer 2025 deadline: July 25, 2025
  3. Within one week of submitting your petition, login to Buff Portal to verify your account balance.

You will receive an email confirmation when your form has been successfully submitted, and another when your waiver has been processed.

Contact our Bursar and Accounting Services team with questions by calling 303-492-2212.

Incomplete Agreement Form

Students are strongly encouraged to make the greatest possible effort to finish their courses within the set time frame of each class. Continuing Education’s Incomplete Grade Policy is meant to provide guidance in the event of unforeseen circumstances. It also does not encompass all options available; students should explore all of their options with their academic advisor and/or instructor to determine the best possible solution.

Incomplete Agreements cannot be used for Online Flex courses. All students receive an “I” grade in Online Flex courses after 40 days of enrollment. If students need more than the standard six months to complete an Online Flex class, they should see if they meet the criteria to petition for additional time. Students should talk to their academic advisor if they have questions.

Incomplete Eligibility

In order for a student to be eligible for an “I” grade, they must have satisfactorily completed at least half of the coursework. An incomplete will not be given to a student who did not regularly attend class or who has not completed more than half of the coursework.

Incomplete Form and Process

Instructors are welcome to use Continuing Education’s Incomplete Form at their discretion; however, if the instructor’s department has its own incomplete grade policy and process, we recommend the instructor use those resources first.

If the instructor is unable to work with a student to complete the course as outlined in the policy and form, that instructor’s Department Representative agrees to work with the student to identify other options for satisfying the incomplete.

For questions about the policy and form, instructors should contact their Continuing Education program director.

Once the form is complete and all parties have signed it, the instructor will email a copy to Enrollment Services will then upload the form to OnBase for our records and will notify the student that we have received the completed form.

Student Fee Package Request Form

Continuing Education students enrolled in CE Evening Credit or CE Online Credit courses may elect to purchase an optional student fee package to obtain additional resources.

Complete the student fee package request form or call 303-492-2212 for more information. Please see the fees below for the current cost of the student fee package before submitting your request. Main campus students who enroll in CE Evening Credit and CE Online Credit courses do not need to opt in or pay additional fees.

Students with unpaid fees will incur a 1% monthly finance charge of the total remaining fee balance. In addition, students must also purchase a BuffOne ID card. BuffOne cards can be purchased for $30 in room N180 of the Center for Community (C4C), just east of Regent Hall. Visit BuffOne for more information.

Spring 2025: $520.94*

This includes:

  • Student Activity Fee
  • Transit Fee
  • Access to the Student Recreation Center

Students can elect to pay an additional $204.49 to add the Student Health Fee and Mental Health Resource Fee.

*Charged each semester

Summer 2025: $351.04*

This includes:

  • Student Activity Fee
  • Transit Fee
  • Access to the Student Recreation Center

Students can elect to pay an additional $109.06 to add the Student Health Fee and Mental Health Resource Fee.

*Charged each semester

Wardenburg Insurance Form

Non-degree students may elect to enroll in health insurance coverage offered by Wardenburg Health Center. If you are interested in obtaining insurance through the university, there are two ways to complete the Wardenburg Insurance form:

  • You can print the Wardenburg Insurance form, fill it out and deliver it in person to the CE Student Services team located on the first floor of the Continuing Education building at 1505 University Avenue.
  • You can complete the form online via DocuSign. In this case, please fill in your name, student ID and the current term and then email it to

If you have any questions about the form, contact CE Student Services at 303-492-9671.

Insurance Eligibility

As a basis for non-degree health coverage from Wardenburg Health Center, you must agree to the following terms of eligibility:

  • Eligibility is limited to a maximum of three semesters (not including the summer session).
  • Meet the minimum credit requirements each semester:
    • Undergraduate Non-Degree Students: Minimum enrollment of six (6) or more CU Boulder credits per semester
    • Graduate Non-Degree Students: Minimum enrollment of one (1) or more CU Boulder graduate credits per semester
  • Coursework must be completed with a letter grade. Courses taken for pass/fail and no credit will not count toward the minimum 6-credit, per-semester course load.
  • Students who fail to maintain a cumulative GPA of a 2.0 may be suspended or dismissed from Continuing Education and therefore ineligible to enroll in future coursework at CU Boulder and Wardenburg Health Center insurance options.
  • Non-degree students must apply for insurance and complete this form each semester in which they wish to enroll.
  • Satisfactory completion of coursework taken as a non-degree student does not guarantee admission into a degree program.
  • Most CU Boulder graduate programs will not accept more than nine (9) credits of graduate coursework for transfer, including graduate coursework taken as a non-degree student.