Explore the financial support and scholarship opportunities available to Continuing Education Online Credit students.

Financial Support Advising

Students enrolled in university credit courses through Continuing Education may be eligible for financial assistance. Continuing Education has a financial support advisor to assist you in exploring all the options available to you, whether you are a degree or non-degree student.

Detailed information about how to receive federal financial aid is available on the CU Boulder Financial Aid website.

Email questions to our Financial Support Advisor at cefinaid@colorado.edu.

Financial Aid for CE Online Flexible Courses

Students may receive financial aid for CE Online Flexible courses, with the following restrictions:

  • For a CE Online Credit course to count toward a student’s enrollment status for a semester, the course must be added prior to the add/drop deadline of that semester, based on main campus census dates.
  • Students who receive aid for a CE Online Flexible course and drop the course after the census date will receive a “Withdrawn” for that course, even if it is within the 40 days we allow for a drop.
  • Students who do not complete the course within six months and choose to extend will have a double impact to their financial aid eligibility. Both the “Withdrawn” designation and the “Incomplete” designation count against a student’s completion rate.

For more information, visit the CU Boulder Financial Aid website.