CE Evening Credit | Student Information
Find relevant campus resources and information for Continuing Education Evening Credit students.
Buff Portal and IdentiKey
Buff Portal is the online student campus portal and an important tool. It gives you access to credit course enrollment, your CU student email account, campus announcements, semester schedule, tuition bill, book lists, clicker registration, Canvas and your final grades. Learn more about Buff Portal.
You’ll need an IdentiKey, or a unique username, to log in to and access Buff Portal. An IdentiKey allows you to register for CU courses and provides you with access to online services and campus computing facilities. Use your student identification number to activate your IdentiKey at identikey.colorado.edu. It can take up to 15 minutes for our system to recognize your credentials. A social security number (SSN) or CU-assigned PIN is required for account activation. You will receive an additional email containing your PIN if we do not have your SSN on file.
After you have activated your IdentiKey, you will be prompted to enroll in Duo multi-factor authentication. Duo is part of the university’s ongoing effort to secure personal and financial data on campus, and is required when logging into campus services like Buff Portal.
Consenting to Do Business Electronically
When you log in to Buff Portal for the first time, you’ll be asked to consent to conduct business electronically at CU Boulder. If you don’t consent, you’ll lose access to the student portal and instead receive information about how to conduct your official university business offline.
If you have questions, contact the Office of Information Technology (OIT) 303-735-4357 or oithelp@colorado.edu for tech support.
Online Composition Hub
The Online Composition Hub is a free tutoring service for writing open to students enrolled in Continuing Education Evening and Online Credit courses. The online platform uses tools to help students access experienced, peer tutors who provide guidance and review student work.
Tutors specialize in helping students with traditional papers, but they can also assist with web design, video, blogging, Prezi, PowerPoint and other projects. Professional materials, such as resumes, cover letters, applications and research projects are also acceptable.
Tutors and students share assignments via Google Docs. Students have the option of communicating with tutors synchronously—online at the same time as a tutor and talking via Google Docs chat or Zoom—or asynchronously—tutors provide feedback within 24 hours of the appointment time.