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Learn how to thrive through a new online course

Are you ready to enhance your life using information and strategies that experts have revealed truly lead to a fulfilling life and career?

The Thriving 101 online course will help you design a life aligned with who you are and empower you to make meaningful changes. You’ll learn about what science has demonstrated enhances one’s happiness and discover effective strategies to use when making a career choice. 

Designed for anyone looking for more fulfillment, this course can help you:

  • define what it means to flourish and describe the benefits of doing so;
  • name the five elements of thriving and uncover the element that has the greatest impact on the rest;
  • identify the components that affect your happiness and provide you with exercises to enhance it;
  • pinpoint key aspects of career alignment and help you assess your interests, strengths and values; and
  • set goals for the next 12 months to prepare you for a transformative year.

Learn more and enroll today!