WRTG 3090 Open Topics in Writing: Advanced: Digital Literacies (1 credit)

Instructor Contact:

Anne L. Heintzman, Ph.D.

Email: anne.heintzman@colorado.edu

About the Course:

The course is designed to encourage creative experimentation through digital tools that results in effective content and communication for some larger positive and public purpose. Students will be required to articulate and engage in digital conversations, develop competency in a selected digital tool or tools, and effectively occupy digital space (present digital texts) in publicly accessible formats.

Course Prerequisites: WRTG 3007, 3020, or 3030, or 3035, or 3040, or instructor consent required.

Proctoring: None. There are no tests in this course that require special considerations.


  • Demonstrate understanding of terms and issues involved with Digital Literacy (readings/discussions/quizzes)
  • Develop and demonstrate understanding of a variety of digital tools (tool selection process)
    Evaluate content for design, effect and socially responsible intent (critique existing media messages; peer media messages)
  • Develop content that is creative, socially responsible, and appropriate for audience/purpose (project drafts focusing on text, image and design)
  • Demonstrate digital competence (Publish rhetorically-effective digital project utilizing multiple digital tools and following design principles)

By the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Engage effectively with the digital world
  • Apply visual design and rhetorical standards to create ethical messaging
  • Enhance your own distinct online identity

Required Texts:


Grading (out of 1000 points):

  • Introduction of Digital Self: 40 pts Introduction of self and initial brainstorming of ideas
  • Idea/Brainstorm/Tool Discussion: 40 pts Discussion of ideas and tools
  • Samples/Critiques: 90 pts Analysis of existing projects similar to your own ideas
  • Quizzes: Copyright 90 pts and Creative Commons 60 pts
  • Design Draft and Critiques 200 pts Draft of work-in-progress for peer and instructor critique
  • Final Project and Critiques: 480 pts Final product presentation

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Monday – Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm


We are located at the corner of University Avenue and 15th Street in a white brick building.


1505 University Avenue
University of Colorado Boulder
178 UCB
Boulder, Colorado